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What was it like to develop the Multi-Needle Langmuir Probe, an all-Norwegian payload, for the Bartolomeo platform on the International Space Station?
In September 2023, the first all-Norwegian scientific payload was mounted on the International Space Station ISS. The payload is called the Multi-Needle Langmuir Probe, and has been developed as a collaborative project between the University of Oslo and EIDEL. The payload was also the first unit to be mounted on the Bartolomeo platform on the ISS which is developed and supplied by Airbus Defense and Space.

On April 4th, Tekna holds a webinar where Tore André Bekkeng (EIDEL), Lasse Clausen (UiO) and Per Christian Steimle (Airbus) will cover several topics from the project.
Here are some highlights:
- The path from a student project to an operational payload on the space station.
- What common problems does the Bartolomeo platform solve, and how can they contribute to “easier access to ISS”?
- Which scientific challenges does M-NLP contribute to solving?
To register your participation and for more information, visit Tekna’s webpage: Airbus’ Bartolomeo: Helnorsk nyttelast til ISS (tekna.no)