Activities 2022
Here are an overview of planned activities of 2022
2022 will surely be an eventful year. Here is an overview of EIDEL’s planned activities this year.
Market activities
START SPACE – Trondheim, February 24th-25th
EIDEL just came back from START SPACE at Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU), a space fair orgainized by the student group Start NTNU. The event is a meeting place where students and space industry can meet.

Lots of exhitbitors and visitors and interesting talks at our stand where we where showcasing the Multi-Needle Langmuir Probe, developed in collaboration between UiO and EIDEL. Also we brought along componenets from MSS and NCU both from space and our secure communication portfolio. EIDEL is currently also promoting open positions and asigmnets for summer interns. Take a look here.
We also got a tour at the NTNU Small Satellite Lab by Tea Christiansen Rasmussen from Propulse NTNU and Torbjørn Bratvold, Eivind Heggset from Orbit NTNU. This is the lab where HYPSO satellite , FRAMSAT and SELFIESAT have been or are being developed. EIDEL is sponsor of both Orbit and Propulse and we are amazed by the students level of commitment to their projects and accomplishments. To summarize, a well organized event, lots of wonderfull and amazing people and technology. We hope we can attend next time!
PSW – Paris, March 14th-15th

EIDEL attended as exhibitor at Paris Space Week (PSW) in March. PSW is one of Europes largest event for the space sector with 40 speakers and more than 1000 visitors. Wemet the European space industry, academia and space enthusiasts and uncovered great ideas, discovered new business opportunities and discussed mutual collaboration.
We had several interesting conversations with European companies in the space industry and Innovasjon Norge paid us a visit at our booth.
ETTC – Nurnberg, May 10th-12th

EIDEL attended as exhibitor at The European Test and Telemetry Conference (ETTC) in May.
ETTC is the most important international platform for telemetry, test instrumentation, telecontrol, and data processing and will be organized in cooperation with the SENSOR+TEST for the fifth time. ETTC is also a unique international event, organized by AAAF & SEE in Europe, addressing a wide range of test and telemetry technologies for transport industries: aeronautical, space, automotive, defense, railways. EIDEL has been developing telemetry systems for more than 50 years and its interesting to see new market trends and also meet European vendors and suppliers for aerospace and automotive industry.
VTEC – Porsgrunn, May 30th-June 2nd

EIDEL attended as exhibitor at Vestfold Telemark Energy Conference (VTEC 2022) between May and June. VTEC is an event for the renewable energy and sustainable industry, to meet, mingle and find mutual business opportunites. EIDEL is industry partner in FME Northwind and interested in finding synergies and opportunities between our technologies and competencies in space and defence related to remote monitoring, data acquisition, and data encryption, and using satellites for surveillance.
INFO/ERFA – Sundvollen, June 7th-8th

EIDEL attended at INFO/ERFA hosted by FSi. This years agenda was related to the european defence situation. This is an annual event where the Norwegian government and defence industry meets.
FSi leverandørseminar 2022 – August 31st-September 1st

EIDEL is exhibitor at the annual FSi supplier seminar at Akershus festning, which was held for two days between August and September.
This year was a record in number of registered participants, 250 from the suppliers and 750 registered attendees.
For the defence sector, EIDEL provides encryption, Re-keying av remote radio control systems.
IAC – Paris, September 18th-22nd

In September, EIDEL will attend the International Astronautical Congress IAC in Paris as part of a Norwegian delegation including the Norwegian Space Agency and Innovasjon Norge. IAC is to many the most important annual space related event. IAC is hosted by the French space agency CNES.
ISD – Noordwijk, September 28th–29th

EIDEL will attend the annual Industry Space Days (ISD), this time at ESA/ESTEC in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. ISD is an annual event hosted by the European Space Agency (ESA) and is a great place to meet potential customers and partners.
Spaceport Norway – Oslo, October 25th-26th

In October EIDEL will attend Spaceport Norway in Oslo. EIDEL is both an exhibitor and one of the sponsors of this event, which will take place in the old Deichman library in Oslo. Spaceport Norway is lead by Ole Dokka and is one of Norway’s most exciting events related new groundbreaing space technology and activities, from our own hemisphere all out to outer space.
Space Tech Expo – Bremen, November 15th-17th

EIDEL is planning to attend Space Tech Expo, claiming to be Europes largest events for space industry. We look foreward to meet the European space industry, academia and space enthusiasts to uncover great ideas, discover business opportunities and discuss mutual collaboration.
Space activities and projects
Launch of m-NLP and ERIU

The development of the new space version of the multi-Needle Langmuir Probe (m-NLP) and EIDEL Remote Interface Unit (ERIU ) is close to completion. The instruments and system is due to be launched later this year as an In Orbit Demonstrator (IOD). Several m-NLP will be integrated with the ERIU, and will be the first payload to be integrated on the Bartolomeo platform on Colombus module on the International Space Station (ISS). Due to global events the launch dates are unceratain but was initially set to Q3 2022.
Launch of FRAMSAT-1

EIDEL is developing the Miniaturized Sun Sensor which is a small payload on an 1U CubeSat called FRAMSAT-1. The satellite is developed by the student organization Orbit.
Planned launch from Andøya Spaceport later this year, by launch provider ISAR Aerospace on their Spectrum launcher.
Launch of Rashid

EIDEL is providing a modified version of m-NLP as instrument on the rover named Rashid, a rover developed by Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center. The instrument will measure electron density in the upper layers of the Moons thin athmosphere to find a connection to how moon dust attaches to surfaces. Take a look at our article for more information on the project.
Launch is planned later this year.
Student activities
EIDEL is a sponsor of student organization Orbit and Propulse at NTNU. Our aim is to contribute with both financing and experience to so the students succeed in their projects. We also offer paid assignments to summer interns.
Summer interns

EIDEL has this year two different tasks to summer interns. We have opening for 4-5 students between end of june to end of July and all positions are now taken. Please check out next year.
Project assignments
EIDEL may offer project assignments to students on request. Please contact us for more information.