Arctic Ocean Surveillance

EIDEL has signed contract with ESA to start a feasibility study on building a national satellite infrastructure for ocean surveillance

The Norwegian Space Agency (NoSA) has since 2020 been in contact with national users and governmental authorities to understand the needs of arctic ocean surveillance. Real-time satellite-based surveillance is critical for securing national interests and sovereignty. It is desired by the Norwegian government to provide such capacities by nationally owned, operated, and controlled infrastructure.

NoSA has in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), defined a project called Arctic Ocean Surveillance. The project is based on ESAs Building Blocks framework and is divided in several stages, called phases. Selected companies in the Norwegian space sector have been invited to apply and qualify for funding to conduct the first phase of the project which is a feasibility study. In this study the goal is to uncover the opportunities and constraints in building a national satellite infrastructure for ocean surveillance.

EIDEL is proud to announce that we have signed a contract with ESA to get funding and conduct the first phase, i.e. the feasibility study. The first phase of this project is to conclude by end of Q2 2023.

Disclaimer: The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.

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